Below are unedited testimonies from a previous church:
Your team has been a true blessing to us. Thank you, [revivalist] for teaching us the true principles of giving and forgiving.
You have truly opened our eyes as to what our true duty is as a Christian, more than the Sunday and Wednesday attendance.
We are truly expecting great things in our lives from the Lord. He has blessed us in such huge ways this year. It would be hard to imagine more!
Praise God for you and your team. Come back and visit sometime; our doors are always open!
I just wanted to say thank you. I have learned that I don’t need to try to control my life and I should let God lead me and I should turn everything over to Him. Thank you for opening my eyes. I am no longer in the dark.
. . . Thanks for your words on the marks of a Spirit-filled Christian. The measure of a church is the amount of fruit that is produced.
My husband and I have had problems with tithing on a regular basis – more so the ability to turn the 100% control over to God. These last four days, the Holy Spirit has tapped our hearts and we are turning everything over – 100%.
Thank and praise God for this awesome team. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and life stories. We will be praying for you!
God has truly touched me during this revival. I’ve been living for quite a while knowing that I had walked away from God and distanced myself. I have decided to turn and move back toward God. I will become a better follower of Christ. I will become a better husband and a better friend. I want to live from this day forward in the love of God and do what it is that He wants me to do. I’m grateful that God has opened my eyes and softened my heart. Thank you all for what you have done and I pray that God will continue to bless you all.
This week God healed my broken heart. In June of this year (2008) I was informed my husband lied to me when we were married 14 years ago. You see, he never had divorced his first wife. He told me he had never been married.
I have been able to forgive him completely by God’s grace. The pain is gone. In fact, last night (9-9-08) after the services, I was folding laundry and he stopped by for a few minutes during his work break (we are separated). He asked me, “What did the preacher talk about at church?” I shared what [revivalist] shared about hurt and forgiveness. I have been living Romans 12:20 for many days, and I have no regrets.
I am currently waiting for a court dated because my marriage is not valid and I have filed a petition for annulment. He is finally divorcing the first wife and I have told my husband that I am not going to remarry him unless he is changed from the inside out. (He’s not a believer.) I know the God who can change my husband, and it is by the power of the living Lord that I can look at the one who has caused me incredible pain. I still cry out to Jesus to save him and that he will choose to get off the wide road of destruction.
This week has been very rewarding. I have prayed for strength in coming straight from work, getting the children and my husband and I ready and heading off to church. God has provided all the strength that I have needed (not that I doubted that He could).
Everything you guys have said has been so uplifting. I pray that God gives you all the strength [you need] to keep going and growing. You are wonderful through Christ.
I love to see the young people so strong and not ashamed.
Thank you for the opportunity to get familiar with Life Action. One of the things that impressed me most was the politeness of your team. The adults are obviously teaching moral values and general courteousness in the younger generation. It’s a pure joy to see young men honor the young ladies and both to respect the “older generation.”
. . . You’ve made me “thirst abundantly” for the Lord. Thanks for the reminder that it’s not all about me, but it’s all about God and His glory.
I am only 12 years old but I have a big heart for the needy. My school has a March of Dimes for the disabled babies. I gave my money out of my piggy bank to the March of Dimes. I believe God wants me to give. I know I’m not perfect but one thing I can do is give to people who need it more than I do. I think everyday about the little kids in Africa and how bad the parents must feel when they can’t give their kids fresh water or home cooked food. So everyday I think how lucky I am to have wonderful parents and a home because I can’t imagine how I would feel if I did not know God.
Well, I came to Calvary for the first time ever on the last day of revival. I came with more doubt than I have ever had in my entire life. I have had a lot of sadness in my life. My mom just found out she has cancer last week and she is also in the middle of a divorce. So needless to say, we are “broke.” It is very hard to have faith when so much hurt is surrounding you. But just the atmosphere you all gave off, the happiness you show and feel, gives me hope and I started to have faith again.
I have been really touched by the Lord during this time. I would like to start by thanking each team member for their dedication and love for the Lord. You give up the everyday comforts to serve Him. I have truly met Christ this week. I am the youth pastor here at Calvary. So often I, while not saying it out loud, think God is lucky that He has me. I sometimes took the attitude that I know what is going on. I really have no clue. This week the Lord truly humbled me. He showed me I am not nearly as important or good as I would like to think I am. I want to praise Him for using someone like me; someone who is unreliable, unworthy, not nearly good enough. I just want to thank you for doing what you do.
Thank you for your time and preparation that you put in to each service. I must be honest that I wasn’t really excited about these days because I have been particularly busy this week. However, Monday night God clearly spoke to me at the beginning of the service. He showed me who He really is in a way that I have never experienced before. Since then, I have been excited about coming each night to see what He is going to show me. I am looking forward to meeting with Him each day. Thank you for all that you have done in these days. I pray God’s many blessings on you as you move on.
Today at work my supervisor said, “God loves a cheerful giver.” Tonight at the revival service, I heard the same statement again. I want to live and give the way God wants me to.
I enjoyed the luncheon. I was impressed with knowing I lack the passion I once had for God. I pray my love for God grows and is more passionate about Jesus. I loved seeing the love for God your children have in the services.
I have been praying so long for Jesus to help us repair our home. It’s been three years and we still are cramming two families into a one family home. Today I was ready to give up, wondered if He gave up on us, too. My husband encouraged me to go to church. I thank God he did. From the moment the songs started, I felt His hope. I found a book of encouragement. I thank Jesus Christ for not leaving us. Thank you for reminding me and reflecting Him. Thank you.
I lost my wife September 9, 2007. To be here and hear the Word of God spoken and taught has been a blessing for me. I thank God for your faith; it shows in every song and every word that has been spoken. I wish all of you the best as you travel across the country. May God bless each of you greatly. It has been a pleasure to hear and see the faith you all have. Bless all of you.
I am thankful for these past four days. God has been speaking to my heart prior to this on areas of my life that I need to work on, but I cannot do it alone. It is only through Him that I can overcome my struggles and even decisions of what and where our family is supposed to be. God has spoken to my heart about filling my life with “substitutes” when He’s tugging on me to spend time with Him. The messages and truths that have been presented this week have hit my heart hard. Give Him total control of my life in every area. He wants that from me! (cross-centered life)
I am also thankful that my son has been presented truths in Happy Heart City that he can take and hide in his heart. He (Braxton) is like a sponge. They all are at this age and they can never learn too much about God and His truths and Word. They soak it up – all of it! What he has shared I know there is so much more hidden in his heart. Thank you for taking these four days to teach him and love on him!
Thank you so much for your ministry to me. As the pianist for Calvary Baptist the responsibilities get in the way of truly allowing God to speak to me. I am so thankful I had the opportunity to be free to participate in worship and have a mind uncluttered for God to speak to me.
[Worship leader], your music choices were wonderful and tied in beautifully with the teaching. Thank you.
[Revivalist], your method of teaching was gentle, but direct. God has truly gifted you as His messenger. Thank you.
Thank you, team, for working with the children and youth.
I have felt dry and barren of late, and this revival has pricked my heart and stirred a longing for a freshness and trueness to my life and walk. Pray for me as I try to give God true and full control in my life. I will pray for your ministry and for God’s spirit to precede and prepare as you go.
Thank you again, and God’s blessing on you all!
God has been a real blessing to me and my wife’s hearts these four days of revival. We have really enjoyed the messages this team has given. We feel that we are a lot stronger in our beliefs and we are better people. I hope that you will come back some day.
Your team has provided our family with lessons from God’s word that have drawn us closer as a family and especially as husband and wife. We now have forgiving hearts toward one another. We have already put into action the act of forgiveness and rebuilding relationships. You will never know the change we have seen in each other in these short days. We have rid ourselves of bitterness and are expecting God’s blessings.
It has been a great blessing to attend these meetings. God has been here with us and I’m so thankful to see so many dedicated people being used by Him. It’s very easy to see that the team is made up of people who put God first in their lives. I shall continue to see a growth in God’s church here in Jesup, GA.
Thanks for coming our way.
Thank you so very much. You all have given me a new look on life and that God is the reason for all the things I have in my life. Your ministry team is outstanding and you do turn lives around. My two teenage children have enjoyed the youth ministry and they tell me how much they have enjoyed learning from [youth revivalist] and the rest of the team.
God bless all of you and you will always be in my prayers.
I have gotten a blessing each time I came to the word but not only then but when I get bogged down during the day or night, I remember the messages I heard and pray for forgiveness. I am going through some difficult times now, with family and health problems. So on Sunday I gave all my problems to the Lord. He is the only one that can do all things. I am trusting in Him to solve them, and I know He can. I have shared with others in my neighborhood and other family members. They are Christians, but there is always room for revival, just some of these passages from the Thirst program. I have been able to relate the everyday things going on in my life, so now I have Bible scriptures to go to and put them in Jesus’ hands and pray really hard. I have made the decision to rededicate my life for the glory of God and join Calvary Baptist Church.
Thank you all for coming to the South with your message of revival and spirit of love and service. God has done a work of healing in my life this week. The healing has come after the surgery of cutting away of tumors and cancers of bitterness and hurt. My prayer is that this seed will continue to grow and the healing will come to my whole family, especially our 18 year old son. Thank you to [team member] for taking on our family as a special prayer project. God is great and His timing is perfect!
My name is Duane, my wife is Jamie, and Jessica is my 8 year old daughter. We want to let you know what a wonderful blessing it has been worshipping our awesome God with all you guys and gals. We thoroughly enjoyed the singing and music. Each of Ryan’s messages touched our hearts. Thank you so much for the time we had this week for a great revival. My 8 year old daughter skipped her favorite thing to do in life (baton twirling class) so she could attend Base Camp. I know how excited she had to be for this to happen. Thank you all for your wonderful ministry. . .
I have enjoyed you all being here. It has really helped me get my life back on track. The way God works through all of you is just eye opening. I really can’t say much else as I am speechless. But I thank you for taking the time to be here. It truly has touched my heart.
I am very thankful for the blessings that you have brought me through the love of Christ. I have not been in church regularly for some time and this revival has given me the encouragement to get involved as I was before. . .
Thank you for coming to Calvary and ministering to us in Word, song, and service. The servant hearts of the team members were such a blessing God spoke so powerfully through the truths presented to our congregation. I pray God’s richest blessings be on you as you travel and minister to other churches. Also, my prayer is that we will witness the move of God in revival in our congregation and the growth of disciples for the Lord.
The Lord has truly used this team in a special way during the days of the Thirst conference. To God be the glory!
Thank you so much for these days of revival. Each of you, your sweet faces, your smiles, your servant’s hearts have been a blessing to me.
I have had a reminder of the importance of personal repentance and cleansing. I’ve been encouraged to continue in the Word and steadfastly cling to the cross.
I have loved the music and the spoken word, the truth that has been shared. I appreciate that the focus has been on truth and not emotions. Just keep running the race and remember that each of you are loved and lifted up in prayer.
What an exciting week it has been! Life Action was great! Everyday was better than the day before, viewing the list of sins on the PowerPoint was powerful. I don’t take the time to realize what I have done each day that dishonored my God. The ladies’ luncheon was excellent. God will prevail. Listening to the true touching stories of [revivalist’s wife] was amazing. I want to express to our youth girls the importance of a great relationship with their parents. Sharing prayer requests, going on dates, and saying a little prayer before we blow up impacted my life. The team as a whole can be described as meek, humble, and full of God’s love. Each night I have been personally greeted by someone new who truly wanted to talk too just me. I give thanks to the Lord for sending you all our way. May God lead you through His perfect plan with ease, but I know that it’s the hard stuff that shows our faith and shows how God can work and mold us. Thanks again, we love you.
I was convicted in my heart that I do not always treat my wife as I should or show her the love God commands me to show. I thank you guys so much for that sermon. I also saw how much my kids loved their teachers and it just filled my heart. I thank the Lord for those young adults.
The hurt and forgiveness comes at a special time in my life. Thank you! God bless and keep you well and safe.
Every night you have encouraged me in a different part of my life and awakened things in my life.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this revival and it has truly touched me in ways that I couldn’t ever have imagined. I have faced some of the most trying times as I every have in the past three years. I have been holding onto things that hinder me from moving forward. I have been holding on to pain, anger, resentment, fear, and other things that have kept me from “being free.” I had initially contemplated on coming to the women’s luncheon at Calvary Baptist taught by one of the most humble women I’ve met [revivalist’s wife]. If I hadn’t come, I probably wouldn’t have gotten what I needed “in words” to deal with some of the issues in my life. It was by no accident that I attended this revival. I have been touched in ways that I myself cannot express in words. I can now be myself and be content in doing so, simply because God forgives, His love is eternal, He is “for” me, and He lives in me. Thank you, Life Action, for your testimonies, your humility, and your love for God displayed throughout this revival!
It’s been amazing! God has moved tremendously through me and strengthened my walk ever more. Losing my leg has been a really big deal, but with God, praise, and hearing His Word, as much as I can is what lets me make it through each day. I have enjoyed every bit of this revival and I pray that God will open the door that He wants me to go through and serve Him with all I can give and more. I am really glad you all were able to come to our church. I pray that I will be able to become part of Life Action Ministries.
Wow, I didn’t know where to begin. This has been like nothing I have ever experienced for a revival meeting. We were a host home for one of the team members. I was excited about it and my husband was skeptical as we had never shared our home like this before. The blessing we received from this is insurmountable! [Team member] was our guest and I am fully convinced that God has this planned before we ever even knew to say yes. She is so unique and such a godly young lady and taught me and ministered to me more than anyone has in a very long time! She is anointed to be on this team and God is truly using her. As for the other team members, revivalist and wife, worship leader, and all the others, I have been remarkably refreshed and it is my prayer that it will truly transform our church as if has been so lukewarm and leaning more in the direction of the world. I have felt this for some time now. The apathy has been quite burdensome. I have a hunger and thirst and this has only made it so much stronger for the things of Christ. We have many in our congregation who are struggling. Please pay we will seek God’s will and His face to transform our church for His use and glory.
Words will not come so clearly in this few minutes of time, but thank you to your whole team. I came in the door Sunday full of anxiety. You see my family (husband, myself, and children) have experienced financial loss for about five years now and we have been blessed over and over by God. He has provided every small item we have needed, even adding two blessings of children throughout this time. However, lately, my husband and I have become discontent with where we are. Constantly dreaming, wishing, and asking for more. Tithing and giving has definitely been an area of conflict between us. Through all of this, our marriage has also been stressed with little love and little respect. Each night that [revivalist] spoke and brought scripture to light, the scripture cut me to the bone and conviction over my place with God and how my heart has become deluded; not 100% in God’s control. I have been convicted to get on my knees before God, humble myself and give Him my whole self over and over again. Thank you for your sacrifices of time and energy to come here. You all seem anointed and I know for sure this was for “such a time as this.” Thank you!
You guys have really shown me what it means to worship God in a true honest way like I have never seen it before. May God have all the honor in everything we do through Jesus Christ His Son. . .
Thank you, [revivalist], for using God’s word to help me through a broken friendship. My friendship was with God. I have forgiven myself but even better is that God forgave me before I asked. God used you to get me back. I want your Base Camp and Happy Heart City to know that I appreciate their devotion to God and the interest in Abigail and Hannah. They love you guys more than you will ever know. You will be remembered in prayer. My words can not express their love for you. We speak blessings of love and safe travel over you.
Music team, what a blessing you have given us. Thank you for using the talents that God gave you to bless us.
I have really enjoyed all that your ministry team has brought to my life in these last four days. I have felt an overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit. And slowly I am allowing myself to open up and release myself to do what I feel He is telling me to do! I also want to mention that my son, Adam, loved Happy Heart City. We have heard all about it, about everything! “Put up, Sit up, and …” He absolutely loves that. You all please come back!
The services were very inspirational and beneficial to help me rededicate my life. I want to share God’s love even more than I ever have. It’s very evident that the families from the team and the students are filled with the Holy Spirit.
God spoke to me through the message and music and told me how I could be a better wife, mother, friend, and Christian example for someone who doesn’t know Him. It helped me to want to be a better steward of my money and go over and above with my offerings.
In 2007, God called us from a fifteen year history in manufacturing to Life Action Ministries to help support the message of revival. It is our desire and passion to see personal revival transform lives in order that we may become a nationwide community of believers who are loving, Christ-like, and committed, so that Christ’s redemptive purposes can be accomplished in the world.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Honesty before God and others will safeguard you from the inclination to talk further down the road than you are actually walking. Honesty will help you maintain an understanding of your real condition of being poor and needy before the Lord.
Without honesty you begin to lose sight of your true state of existence and tend to become like the Laodicean church, rich, increased with goods, and needing nothing.
The quickest path to honesty lies in getting a fresh vision of God. The experiences of Moses, Job, Isaiah, and Daniel all illustrate the recognition of personal need which comes with a vision of God.
The closer you get to God, the more you will see your need for Him and His continual redemptive work in your life. The smaller your list of needs, the more deceived and self-sufficient you will become.
Insight from the Word:
Proverbs 28:13 "Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy."
Luke 8:15 "As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience."
2 Corinthians 8:21 "We aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord's sight but also in the sight of man."
Colossians 3:9 "Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices."
Making It Personal:
•What three words or phrases best describe my spiritual life and walk with God in the past week?
•What are the three greatest spiritual needs in my life at this point?
• How long (days or weeks) has it been since I was really honest with another person concerning my true spiritual condition? Who is that individual?
© Life Action Ministries: Revival Review--Keys to Continued Revival
Without honesty you begin to lose sight of your true state of existence and tend to become like the Laodicean church, rich, increased with goods, and needing nothing.
The quickest path to honesty lies in getting a fresh vision of God. The experiences of Moses, Job, Isaiah, and Daniel all illustrate the recognition of personal need which comes with a vision of God.
The closer you get to God, the more you will see your need for Him and His continual redemptive work in your life. The smaller your list of needs, the more deceived and self-sufficient you will become.
Insight from the Word:
Proverbs 28:13 "Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy."
Luke 8:15 "As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience."
2 Corinthians 8:21 "We aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord's sight but also in the sight of man."
Colossians 3:9 "Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices."
Making It Personal:
•What three words or phrases best describe my spiritual life and walk with God in the past week?
•What are the three greatest spiritual needs in my life at this point?
• How long (days or weeks) has it been since I was really honest with another person concerning my true spiritual condition? Who is that individual?
© Life Action Ministries: Revival Review--Keys to Continued Revival
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Cost of Failure and Success

Failure and Success
No man is worthy to succeed until he is willing to fail.
Failure and Success: Greatness Has Its Price
You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.
--2 Timothy 2:3-4
The laws of success operate also in the higher field of the soul-- spiritual greatness has its price. Eminence in the things of the Spirit demands a devotion to these things more complete than most of us are willing to give. But the law cannot be escaped. If we would be holy we know the way; the law of holy living is before us. The prophets of the Old Testament, the apostles of the New and, more than all, the sublime teachings of Christ are there to tell us how to succeed....
The amount of loafing practiced by the average Christian in spiritual things would ruin a concert pianist if he allowed himself to do the same thing in the field of music. The idle puttering around that we see in church circles would end the career of a big league pitcher in one week. No scientist could solve his exacting problem if he took as little interest in it as the rank and file of Christians take in the art of being holy. The nation whose soldiers were as soft and undisciplined as the soldiers of the churches would be conquered by the first enemy that attacked it. Triumphs are not won by men in easy chairs.
Success is costly.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
2008-2009 Team

Here is a picture of the team that we have been entrusted with for this ministry season. It has been exciting to get to know all the new faces as well as the new personalities. I am eager to see how this team is used this year as we travel to 30 different churches across America bringing the message of Revival.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
On The Road Again
There is no doubt that there is a cost to be paid for the life and career that God has chosen for us during this season of life. There are things that for many years we took for granted. Family, friends, permanent home, organized activities for the kids, work and career etc…. Our community looks different and it is much more difficult to have and keep the close relationships that have had a huge impact on us for much of our lives.
However, it has been apparent to me the sacrifice that others have made as a result of us being on the road many months out of the year. Obviously there are those that have sacrificed some of their finances in order for us to be out on the road, for that we are grateful and are blessed beyond measure. There are also those who sacrifice some of their time by praying for us, without which, this style of living would not be sustainable for us.
Sacrifice can be defined as: to surrender or give up, or permit injury or disadvantage to, for the sake of something else. I caught a picture of this just before we left Labor Day Weekend. As we stood at camp, after a month of training the team, my parents came to see us off and pray for us. As we stood there in a circle praying, I couldn’t help see and hear (through the words and tears) the sacrifice that they have had to make as a result of what God has called us to do. Our parents, family, and friends have had to surrender and give up seeing us, as often as they would prefer to. They have put themselves at a disadvantage in regards to relationships with us and with grandkids for the sake of something else…… a pursuit and passion to Glorify God through a revival among His people and a Spiritual Awakening among the lost. I am 37 years old and I can honestly say that I was homesick before my parents had left camp as a result of seeing their sacrifice in what we are doing.
Thank you to all who have sacrificed on our behalf.
Attached are some pictures of “Trailer Life”.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Are you thirsty?

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
To learn more about our traveling ministry team, a Life Action Revival Conference for your entire church, click here to visit the official web site.
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