There is no doubt that there is a cost to be paid for the life and career that God has chosen for us during this season of life. There are things that for many years we took for granted. Family, friends, permanent home, organized activities for the kids, work and career etc…. Our community looks different and it is much more difficult to have and keep the close relationships that have had a huge impact on us for much of our lives.
However, it has been apparent to me the sacrifice that others have made as a result of us being on the road many months out of the year. Obviously there are those that have sacrificed some of their finances in order for us to be out on the road, for that we are grateful and are blessed beyond measure. There are also those who sacrifice some of their time by praying for us, without which, this style of living would not be sustainable for us.
Sacrifice can be defined as: to surrender or give up, or permit injury or disadvantage to, for the sake of something else. I caught a picture of this just before we left Labor Day Weekend. As we stood at camp, after a month of training the team, my parents came to see us off and pray for us. As we stood there in a circle praying, I couldn’t help see and hear (through the words and tears) the sacrifice that they have had to make as a result of what God has called us to do. Our parents, family, and friends have had to surrender and give up seeing us, as often as they would prefer to. They have put themselves at a disadvantage in regards to relationships with us and with grandkids for the sake of something else…… a pursuit and passion to Glorify God through a revival among His people and a Spiritual Awakening among the lost. I am 37 years old and I can honestly say that I was homesick before my parents had left camp as a result of seeing their sacrifice in what we are doing.
Thank you to all who have sacrificed on our behalf.
Attached are some pictures of “Trailer Life”.
Love, love, love the new blog!! Loved your post, loved the pictures, loved the beautiful bundt! Did you re-do the trailer or is Elizabeth standing in someone else's home on the road?
We miss you guys, truly we do. Let us know what we can be praying for.
Beth for the Tarnow clan
Hey Slenkers! Awesome additions to the blog, pictures and all. You're blogging pros! I just got the email update and clicked in the link to get there, so that's working too! Praying for you guys.
The T-Clan
awesome! good job with the blog. i will definately be able to keep up with you guys a lot better now!
i love the pics!!! :D
Hi Slenks! Great to read your update and great new blog! You are in our prayers!
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