Dear Ryan and Mal,
“I cannot express in words how our family has completely turned around. The Lord is great, and all the Glory be to him. I know that you guys are doing his work, and I pray that you will continue to touch other lives with his word. I only pray that one day my faith will be as focused on him, as you are. I bought all the Cd's from the Thirst Revival and have already started to listen to them. The funny thing is, I put it in my van cd player yesterday, after I listened to it, I went to eject it, and it would not come out. My husband said to me "Maybe that means you need to listen to it again." I laughed and said, “You know honey your right." So, I will probably never get it out, and you know what? I don't want to! I can listen to it always and never lose it. I visited your blog and will continue to pray for the safety of your team as you travel. Our family has been blessed in so many ways. God is great. Yesterday, a woman that we know called my husband out of the blue. She told him that she was at a Women's Conference and God laid it on her heart to pray for him, our family, and our business. That he would not be tempted to over charge customers and that God would keep him strong and deliver him from temptations. She also tried to contact me to pray with her over the phone. When my husband came home he told me what happened. At first, I was thinking to myself why she would say a thing like that. Does she think we steal from our customers? Does she know my husband’s heart? Has this been something he is dealing subconsciously with, that he has not shared with me? Is he conflicted about his work? So many questions I had running through my mind. However, at the end of all those questions of Why. I kept getting the same answer. It's God at work! So I just wanted to share this with you guys. We will continue to live a cross-centered life and raise our children to do the same. Thanks so much for all the reading material, and Cd's. Also, thank you Mal for showing me the portrait of a submissive and loving wife. We love you brothers and sisters in Christ. May Peace with you always and may God protect you in your travels.”
“I just wanted to say again how blessed I was this past week with Life Action coming to Tabernacle. The experience transformed my family. I thought I would be praying for months or longer on the softening of my husband's heart, but man God did a work through Ryan on him. He said he swore Ryan pointed at him when he was talking about bitterness. We all pray together every night and the younger boys wanted bibles so we got them each one today and even a toddler bible for Grace (she's 2). We are still growing and learning from the things you guys taught through. Every time we go back and discuss we see a new point. And I am just so thankful God brought your team to us. I am and will be forever thankful for you! You have no idea how awesome it is for me to have a sister in Christ. And it gave me strength and hope to reach out to other women in my church. And I am so happy to have women to pray with. I keep reading things online and buying new books, and feel like I can't learn enough. We also continue to pray this doesn't die out. I want this to be the fire that got started that can't burn out!
Your ministry, your family, your team, all mean so much to us!
Thank you!!! And bless you on your journey and we continue to pray for the
Churches in your path. May they be as blessed by God's word as we were!”
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